Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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#File maintained by Doug McCallum <dougm@cypress.west.sun.com>; Sat Aug 21 18:14:33 MDT 1993
#Send updates to "uucpmap@rutgers.edu", cc: to me optionally
#N .labyrinth.com,amaze
#S NeXTcube; Mach NeXTOS 3.1
#O Labyrinth Computer Services
#C Barbara J. Dyker
#E postmaster@labyrinth.com
#T +1 303 441 8288
#P P O Box 4626, Boulder, CO 80306-4626
#L 40 09 50 N / 105 13 00 W
#W postmaster@labyrinth.com (Barbara J. Dyker); Fri, 21 May 93 17:32:39 -0600
# Also
amaze .labyrinth.com
amaze = labyrinth.com
amaze = amaze.labyrinth.com
amaze morass(DEDICATED), csn(DIRECT), ncar(DIRECT), nugget(DIRECT),
cu-cs(DIRECT), euphonics(DAILY)
#N ambient
#S Homebrew 386 clone; Linux
#O Dryco
#C Larry Mulcahy
#E larry@ambient.uucp
#T +1 303 458 3859
#P 3622 Pecos St. Denver CO 80211
#L 39 44 N / 104 59 W city
#U iscden.jbsys.com
#W larry@ambient.uucp (Larry Mulcahy); Sat Aug 7 16:23:29 GMT 1993
ambient iscden(DIRECT)
#N arpad, .k0yum.ampr.org
#S pc532; Minix 1.5h.01
#O Fred's House
#C Fred Schneider
#E fls@n3eua.ampr.org
#T +1 303 337 3684
#P 989 South Kittredge Way, Aurora, CO, 80017, USA
#L 39 44 N / 104 50 W city
#R Member station, Colorado Packet Association (COPA)
#U winfree
#W bdale at winfree; Sun Jul 07 11:29:53 MDT 1991
arpad .k0yum.ampr.org
arpad = arpad.k0yum.ampr.org
arpad winfree(POLLED)
#N asgard
#S HP9000/350; HPUX 7.03
#O Asgard Systems
#C David A. Barrett
#E asgard!postmaster
#T +1 303 440-0516
#P 1030 Adams Circle #121, Boulder, CO. 80303-1842
#L 40 00 22 N / 105 15 14 W
#R 14400 bps V.32bis/V.42/V.42bis/LAPM modem; sendmail
#W asgard!barrett (Dave Barrett); Sun Aug 1 03:00:03 MDT 1993
asgard <boulder>(DIRECT)
#N asoftus
#O Algosoft USA, Inc.
#C Wolfgang Rohdewald
#E asoftus!wr
#T +1 303 927 81621
#P 302 Red Tail Drive, Basalt, CO 81621
#L 39 22 N / 107 01 W city
#W jane@uunet.UU.NET (Jane Roop); Wed Feb 12 11:27:12 EST 1992
asoftus uunet(DEMAND)
#N atglab
#S Intel 486; WindowsNT
#O Aspen Technology Group
#C Jerome (Jerry) Schneider
#E postmaster@atg.com
#T +1 303 484 8466
#P PO Box 673, Ft. Collins, CO 80522
#L 40 35 N / 105 05 W city
#R Mail gateway for R&D Lab
#W jls@atg.com (Jerome Schneider); Tue Dec 1 01:00:33 MST 1992
atglab .atg.com
atglab = atg.com
atglab = atglab.atg.com
# No-one calls us, but here are the computers that we call:
atglab csn(POLLED)
#N auto-trol,auto-trol.com
#F ico.isc.com
#S Sun 4/N; SunOS X.Y.Z
#O Auto-trol Technology Corporation
#C Daria S. Olson
#E auto-trol!postmaster
#T +1 303 252 2550
#P 12500 North Washington St., Denver, CO 80241-2400
#L 39 56 N / 105 02 W
#W auto-trol!darols (Daria S. Olson); Fri May 21 14:52:31 MDT 1993
#U ico,ico.isc.com
auto-trol auto-trol.com
auto-trol ico(DIRECT)
#N bearhug, bearhug.boulder.co.us
#S PC clone; MS-DOS & UUPC
#O Boulder Bear's Cave
#C Jeff L. Stoner
#E bearhug!jls2
#T +1 303 440 0208
#P PO Box 18226; Boulder, CO 80208-8226
#L 40 00 30 N / 105 17 00 W city
#R Mail exchange only
#W bearhug!jls2 (Jeff L. Stoner); Mon Apr 5 15:25:07 MDT 1993
bearhug = bearhug.boulder.co.us
bearhug boulder(DAILY/7), ellery(DAILY)
#N .sda.com, .rmise.org, .fruug.org, bearsan
#F csn.org
#S Sun 4/75; SunOS 4.1.1
#O Software Design and Analysis, Inc.
#C Steve Gaede <gaede>
#E postmaster@sda.com
#T +1 303 444 9100
#P 1113 Spruce St. Suite 500, Boulder CO 80302
#L 40 01 09 N / 105 16 48 W
#R registered
#W gaede@sda.com (Steve Gaede); Wed Sep 2 10:43:16 MDT 1992
# Also known as:
bearsan .sda.com, .rmise.org, .fruug.org
bearsan = sda.com
bearsan = bearsan.sda.com
bearsan = fruug.org
bearsan = rmise.org
bearsan ncar(DAILY/4), raven(DAILY/4), sunset(HOURLY), sraco1(DAILY/4),
csn(DAILY/4), instep(DAILY/4)
#N .cs.colostate.edu,beethoven
#S Sun 4/25, SunOS
#O Colorado State University, Computer Science Department
#C Wayne Trzyna
#E postmaster@beethoven.cs.colostate.edu
#T 303/491-1057
#P CSU, Computer Science Dept, 601 S. Howes, Ft. Collins, CO 80523
#L 40 35 N / 105 05 W city
#R UUCP/TCP link to ncar prompts this entry.
#R Registered domain is cs.colostate.edu.
#W trzyna; Mon Jul 13 15:05:24 MDT 1992
beethoven cs.colostate.edu
beethoven .cs.colostate.edu
beethoven = beethoven.cs.colostate.edu
beethoven ncar(DEDICATED)
#N bilanc, rabatt
#S AT&T UNIX/PC (7300) - UNIX SYSTEM V, version
#O Computer Guidance & Support
#C Richard A. Bilancia
#E rab@foothills.com
#T (303) 973-4035 voice
#P P. O. Box 620127, Littleton, CO 80162
#L 39 35 N / 105 20 W
#R Richard A. Bilancia 8/15/90
#W bilanc!rab (Richard A. Bilancia); Wed May 26 12:13:08 MDT 1993
#U rabatt
bilanc csn(DAILY), mnemosyne(WEEKLY),
fh6000(DEMAND), manakai(DEAD), scicom(WEEKLY),
bdaemon(DEAD), fhs(DEAD),
by135(DEMAND), cpark(DEMAND), ccg(DEAD),
kbeat(WEEKLY), cfpdrt(DEAD), fha(DEAD)
rabatt bilanc(DIRECT)
#N bldr
#O Vitel International Inc.
#E scicom!postmaster
#T (303) 442-6717
#P 5700 Flatiron Pkwy, Boulder, Co. 80301-5718
#L 40 02 N / 105 14 W Boulder
#W scicom!cyrill; Wed Jan 01 11:51:00 MST 1992
bldr scicom(DEMAND)
#N bluesky
#S Apple Macintosh II; MacOS 6.0.3
#O Andrew Currie
#C Andrew Currie
#E bluesky!postmaster
#T +1 303 938 8650
#P 3091 7th Street, Boulder, CO 80304
#L 40 02 N / 105 14 W
#R This is not uupc ported to the mac
#W bluesky!postmaster (Andrew Currie) Mon Dec 6 22:02:02 MDT 1989
bluesky ncar(DAILY)
#N bohemia
#S Sun 3/60; SunOS 4.1.1
#O Bohemia public access UNIX
#E bohemia!postmaster
#T +1 303 440 0117
#P 3161 Madison Ave #O-207 Boulder, CO 80303
#L 40 00 30 / 105 17 00 W city
#U csn
#W bohemia!taubman (Jason Taubman); Sun Feb 23 18:38:35 MST 1992
bohemia .metronet.org
bohemia = bohemia.metronet.org
bohemia csn(DAILY/5), orac(DAILY/5), gooter(DAILY/5)
#N boulder
#S SUN IPX; SunOS 4.1.1
#O University of Colorado, Boulder
#C Jason Ornstein
#E postmaster@boulder.Colorado.EDU
#T +1 303 492 6096
#P University of Colorado, Campus Box 455, Boulder, CO 80309-0455
#L 40 00 30 N / 105 17 00 W city
#R News and mail gateway for CU/Boulder.
#W ornstein@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Jason Ornstein); Sat Oct 3 17:32:59 MDT 1992
#U csn
# Internet style address are prefered. Most users under our
# domain can be reached by mailing to "user@colorado.edu", or
# "..boulder!user".
boulder .colorado.edu
boulder = boulder.colorado.edu
# Fake UUCP done with mirrors and SMTP.
# Real UUCP connections...
boulder bearhug(DAILY/7), topaz(HOURLY), yonder(DAILY/7)
#N buffalo
#S Sun IPX; SunOS 4.1
#O QMS Software Technologies
#C Dick Dunn
#E buffalo!postmaster
#T +1 303 443 7227
#P 2300 Canyon Blvd., Boulder, CO 80302 USA
#L 40 01 00 N / 105 15 53 W
#W raven!rcd (Dick Dunn); Thu Aug 27 00:11:52 MDT 1992
buffalo imagen(DAILY/4), raven(DAILY/4)
#N burner, burner.com
#F csn.org
#S Commodore AMIGA; Amiga-DOS V2.04 & Amiga-UUCP V1.15
#O Back Burner BBS
#C Bob Maple
#E postmaster@burner.com
#T 303-969-9108
#P 9454 W. Utah Place, Lakewood, CO, 80232
#L 39 44 N / 105 06 W city
#R Data (BBS): 303-969-8967
#W bmaple@burner.com (Bob Maple); Sun May 23 10:00:00 MDT 1993
burner csn(DIRECT), tvland(DIRECT), arcticus(DIRECT)
#N c0lsc0
#S 486/33 scp Imox v3.2 9600
#O Colin Barry & Associates
#C Colin Barry
#E c0lsc0!root
#T +1 303 494 8553
#P 1600 Bradley Dr. Boulder, CO 80303
#L 40 00 N 105 16 W
#W evie@uunet.UU.NET (Evie Allen); Tue Aug 18 09:47:55 EDT 1992
c0lsc0 uunet(DEMAND)
#N cadnetix
#O Dazix/Intergraph
#C Mark Schnorberger
#E postmaster@cadnetix.COM
#T (303) 581-2303
#P 6101 Lookout Rd., Boulder, CO 80301
#L 40 02 N / 105 14 W city
#R registered
#W mark@cadnetix.COM (Mark Schnorberger); Wed Apr 19 10:21:03 MDT 1989
cadnetix .cadnetix.com
cadnetix cadnetix.com
cadnetix = cadnetix.com
cadnetix ico(DAILY/2), boulder(DAILY/2)
#N calcite
#F csn.org
#O Rhyolite Software
#S 386 clone
#C Vernon Schryver
#E calcite!vjs
#T +1 303 786 8846
#P 2482 Lee Hill Dr, Boulder, CO 80302
#L 40 03 00 N / 105 15 00 W
#U sgi
#W calcite!vjs (Vernon Schryver); Fri Jun 19 20:14:41 MDT 1992
calcite =rhyolite.com
calcite =calcite.rhyolite.com
calcite .rhyolite.com(LOCAL)
calcite compulab(DAILY), sgi(DEAD), pyramid(DEAD)
#N canary
#O Canary Software
#C Jeffrey S. Haemer
#E canary!jsh
#T 303 499-2619
#P 960 Ithaca Drive, Boulder, CO 80303
#L 40 01 N / 105 17 W city
#W canary!jsh; Thu Sep 05 16:03:29 MDT 1991
canary csn(DEMAND)
#N catpan
#S Commodore AMIGA; Amiga-DOS V2.04 & Amiga-UUCP V1.15
#C Charles Holt
#E cholt@catpan
#T 303-499-2979
#P 1215 Ravenwood Rd. Boulder, CO 80303
#L 40 02 N / 105 16 W city
#W cholt@catpan (Charles Holt); Sun May 3 16:02:00 MST 1992
catpan burner(DIRECT)
#N cdsa
#S Everex STEP 386/20; SCO Unix 3.2.2
#O CDS Associates
#C Mark Smith
#E cdsa!root
#T +1 303 770 1061
#P 4544 S. Akron Street, Greenwood Village, CO 80111
#L 39 37 N / 104 57 W city
#W jane@uunet.UU.NET (Jane Roop); Wed Jan 22 16:17:24 EST 1992
cdsa uunet(DEMAND)
#N .cel.scg.hac.com, celden
#S Zenith Z386, Xenix 386
#O Colorado Engineering Labs
#C Randy Reames
#E postmaster@cel.scg.hac.com
#T +1 303 793 5235
#P 8000 E. Maplewood Ave., Englewood, Co. 80111
#L 105 03 W / 39 37 N
#R hacgate is the UUCP gateway for this machine
#W jay@hacgate.hac.com (Jay Miya); Thu Mar 1 09:14:54 PST 1990
celden hacgate(HOURLY*2)
#N centera
#O Centera Technologies, Inc
#C Alek Komarnitsky
#E centera!alek
#T 303-666-5555
#P 740C S. Pierce Ave, Louisville, C0 80027
#L 39 59 N / 105 09 W city
#W dougm@ico.ISC.COM; Sun Nov 11 10:23:23 MST 1990
centera flatirons(POLLED)
#N chs
#S Sun 4/490; SunOS 4.1
#O Consumer Health Services, Inc.
#C Jeorg Houck
#E chs!jeorg
#T +1 303 442 1111
#P 5720 Flatiron Pkwy, Boulder, CO 80301
#L 40 02 N / 105 14 W city
#W chs!jeorg (Jeorg Houck) ; Wed Jan 2 13:13:39 MDT 1991
#U boulder
chs boulder(DIRECT)
#N ci
#F hpcsos.col.hp.com
#S DEC VAXCluster; VMS V5.3
#O Compassion International
#C Ken Richardson
#E ci!postmaster
#T +1 719 594 9900
#P 3955 Cragwood Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
#L 38 55 N / 104 49 W
#W ci!ken (Ken Richardson); Fri Jul 31 22:55:00 MDT 1992
ci .ci.org
ci = ci.org
ci = ci.ci.org
ci hp-col(DIRECT+FAST), gmi(DIRECT), sycraft(DIRECT+FAST)
#N cires
#S Sun 4/360; SunOS 4.1
#O Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
#C David Hoge
#E david@cires.colorado.edu, postmaster@cires.colorado.edu
#T +1 303 492 5529
#P CIRES, University of Colorado Box 216, Boulder, CO 80309-0216
#L 40 01 N / 105 17 W city
#W david@cires.colorado.edu (David Hoge); Wed Jul 14 11:27:00 MDT 1993
cires = cires.colorado.edu, terra.colorado.edu
cires boulder(DEDICATED), topaz(DIRECT)
#N cobs
#S Everex Step 486/33, SCO UNIX 3.2.4
#O Colorado Outward Bound School
#C Scott Dunston
#E cobs!root
#T +1 303 831 6991
#P 945 Pennsylvania St. Denver, CO 80203
#L 39 44 N 104 59 W
#W postmaster@uunet.UU.NET (E. Allen); Tue Feb 23 11:20:34 EST 1993
cobs <uunet>(DEMAND)
#N cognito
#S Intel 286/310; Xenix 286 3.5
#O A personal machine, with no organization whatsoever
#C Karl Hanzel
#E karl@cognito.UUCP
#T +1 303 443 6602
#P 967 Poorman, Boulder, Colorado, 80302
#L 40 01 54 N / 105 20 00 W
#R only slightly more computing power than an (old) HP handheld
#W karl@cognito.UUCP; Tue Jul 10, 10:00:00 MST 1990
#U boulder
cognito boulder(DAILY), ico(DAILY)
#N colocap
#F csn.org
#S ATT 3B2/400;UNIX System V Release 3.2
#O Colorado Wing, Civil Air Patrol
#C Lynn O. Newman
#E colocap!adp
#T +1 303 937 0795
#P P.O. Drawer C, Lowry AFB, Colorado 80230-0102
#L 104 59 00 W / 39 47 30 N
#R Temporarily off-net
#W reo!rick (Richard E. Oakes); Sat Jul 10 20:12:54 MDT 1993
colocap reo(DEAD)
#N colsco
#S 486/33 scp Imox v3.2 9600
#O Colin Barry & Associates
#C Colin Barry
#E colsco!root
#T +1 303 494 8553
#P 1600 Bradley Dr. Boulder, CO 80303
#L 40 00 N 105 16 W
#W evie@uunet.UU.NET (Evie Allen); Tue Aug 18 09:47:55 EDT 1992
colsco uunet(DEMAND)
#N cqg
#S ARIX S/90; Sys5.3
#O CQG Inc.
#C Michael Flager
#E cqg!michael
#T +1 303 945 8686
#P 6916 Highway 82, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
#L 39 33 N / 107 19 W city
#W lorelei@uunet.UU.NET (Lorelei Horner); Mon Jul 22 20:21:59 MDT 1991
cqg uunet(DEMAND)
#N cscns.com
#S Sparc10 SunOS 4.1.3
#O Community News Service
#C Stewart Scott
#E cscns.com!root
#T +1 719 592 1240
#P 1155 Kelly Johnson Blvd. Suite 400 Colorado Springs, CO 80920
#L 38 50 N 104 49 W
#W postmaster@uunet.UU.NET (E. Allen); Mon Jun 14 17:13:15 EDT 1993
cscns.com uunet(DEMAND)
#N csm9a
#S Gould PN9050, UTX-32
#O Colorado School of Mines, Computer Center
#C Bob Ware
#E bware@csm9a.colorado.edu
#T (303) 273-3987
#P Golden, CO 80401
#L 105 13 W / 46 N
#W bware@csm9a.colorado.edu 1/23/89
csm9a mnemosyne(HOURLY)
#N csn
#S SPARCstation 2; SunOS 4.1.1
#O Colorado SuperNet Inc
#C David C. Menges
#E postmaster@csn.org
#T +1 303 273 3471
#P Colorado SuperNet Inc, 1500 Illinois, Golden CO 80401
#L 40 00 30 N / 105 17 00 W city
#R News and mail gateway for Colorado SuperNet clients.
#W trent@csn.org (Trent R. Hein); Wed Aug 4 09:17:54 MDT 1993
#U boulder hellgate uiuc att
# csn.org is operated by Colorado SuperNet Inc, the regional Internet for
# the State of Colorado. Interactive, UUCP, and SLIP logins are available.
# Hundreds of UUCP neighbors that do not appear in this map, use
# associated Internet domain names instead to route mail.
csn .csn.org
csn = csn.org
csn boulder(DEDICATED), ncar(DEDICATED), uswat(DEDICATED)
#N csugnat
#O Natural Resources Ecology Lab
#C Mike Vevea
#E mike@csugnat.UUCP
#T (303) 491-1967
#P 102 NREL/Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO 80523
#L 40 35 N / 105 05 W city
#W dougm@ico.isc.com; Fri Dec 11 23:15:10 MST 1987
#U handel.colostate.edu
csugnat handel(DEMAND)
#N cw7300
#S AT&T Unix PC (3B1) - System V UNIX
#O Craig Winters (individual)
#C Craig Winters
#E cw7300!craig
#T +1 (719) 599-7563
#P 5404 N. Nevada #202, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
#L 38 49 59 N / 104 16 48 W
#W cw7300!craig: Wed Nov 16 15:34:01 MST 1988
cw7300 prisma(DEMAND)
#N cygcyb
#S Sun 4/260; SunOS 4.1.1
#O Cygnus Cybernetics Corporation
#C Jim Homan
#E cygcyb!postmaster
#T +1 303 221 2614
#P 2013 Weathertop, Fort Collins, CO 80526, USA
#L 40 35 N / 105 05 W city
#W Jim Homan (cygcyb!homan); Wed Feb 17 14:43:54 MST 1993
#N datran2
#S Next; 4.3 BSD
#O Data Transforms, Inc.
#C Steve Boker
#E datran2!root
#T +1 303 832 1501
#P 616 washington St., Denver, CO 80203
#L 39 45 N / 105 00 W city
#W datran2!smb@csn.org (Steven M Boker); Wed Jan 2 9:44 MST 1991
datran2 csn(DEMAND)
#N dehnbase
#S Northgate 386; MS-DOS 3.3
#O Dehnbase Emerald
#C Joe Dehn
#E dehnbase!postmaster
#T +1 303 972 8094
#P PO Box 621015, Littleton, CO 80162
#L 39 34 39 N / 105 07 39 W
#R Fidonet 1:104/418
#U scicom
#W stjhmc!ddodell (David Dodell); Sun Sep 22 08:15:00 MST 1991
# Approved by ddodell@stjhmc.fidonet.org
# Administrator, fidonet.org
dehnbase= dehnbase.fidonet.org, f418.n104.z1.fidonet.org,
dehnbase scicom(DIRECT)
#N densqnt
#S Sequent Balance 8000
#O Sequent Computer Systems, Inc.
#C Harry Doby
#E densqnt!harry
#T +1 303 758 4931
#P 4100 E. Mississippi Ave., Suite 1800, Denver, CO 80222
#L 39 37 N / 105 01 W city
#W harry@densqnt.UUCP (Harry Doby); Sat, 2 Jan 88 10:04:17 mst
densqnt sequent(DAILY/6)
#N dgh
#S Compaq Systempro 386; SCO XENIX 3.2
#O Denver Public Health (City)
#C Arthur Davidson MD, Brad Bartholow
#E dgh!artd, dgh!bradb, dgh!root, dgh!postmaster
#T +1 303 893 6038
#P 605 Bannock St., Denver, CO 80204-4507
#L 39 45 N / 105 00 W City
#R This is different from Denver General Hosp. main computer and
#R State Hlth dept. Plans are on way to connect these three by UUCP
#U mnemosyne (nyx.cs.du.edu)
#W dgh!bradb (Brad N Bartholow); Wed Jul 3 17:00 1991
dgh mnemosyne(DEMAND)
#N dic
#S AT&T 3b2/310 - SysV3.1
#O Denver Indian Center, Denver, CO.
#C Michele Lord
#E scicom!milo
#W scicom!cyrill (Cyro Lord); 02/10/92
dic = dic.alphai.org
dic scicom(DAILY)
#N dillon
#S NCR Tower 32/600 5.3
#O Dillon Companies
#C Steve Miller
#E dillon!root
#T +1 303 393 4059
#P 3980 Quebec Stree, #151, Denver, CO 80207
#L 39 44 N / 104 59 W city
#W jane@uunet.UU.NET (Jane Roop); Mon Feb 24 14:51:35 EST 1992
dillon uunet(DEMAND)
#N dinl
#S MicroVAX II; ULTRIX-32 V2.2
#O Martin Marietta Information and Communication Systems, Denver Colorado
#C T.J. Neputi, Terrie Ray
#E dinl!neputi, dinl!ray
#T +1 303 977 0433, 303 977 0555
#P P.O. Box 1260, Mail Stop XL8058, Denver, CO 80201-1260
#L 39 34 25 N / 104 59 20 W
#R dinl - Distributed Information Network Laboratory
#U ncar
#W dinl!neputi (T.J. Neputi); Wed July 11 09:00:00 MST 1990
dinl ncar(DIRECT)
#N dmk
#S AT&T Unix PC 3B1; System V UNIX (3b1 software v3.5, kernel v3.51m)
#O David Keaton (individual)
#C David M. Keaton
#E dmk!dmk
#T +1 719 687 3577
#P 440-B Forest Edge Circle, P.O. Box 1955, Woodland Park, CO 80866
#L 39 00 N / 105 03 W
#R internet address dmk%dmk@uunet.uu.net
#U uunet
#W dmk!dmk (David Keaton); Mon Dec 23 15:17:45 MST 1991
# Alias kept for historical reasons.
dmk = dmk3b1
dmk cocktrice(DEAD), uunet(DAILY+HIGH)
#N dmsd
#S PC Clone w/SCO ODT
#O DMS Design
#C John Bass
#E jbass@dmsd.com
#T (805) 541-1575
#P Loveland, CO 80538
#R "Rocky Mountain High Idle Time"
#W jbass@dmsd.com (John Bass); Sat Jan 09 22:01:14 PST 1993
dmsd .dmsd.com
dmsd sloit(DEMAND), svit(DEMAND), <csn>(DEMAND)
#N dora
#S Sun SparcStation IPC; SunOS 4.1.1
#O Test Systems Strategies, Inc., Colorado Springs Field Office
#C Steve Willoughby
#E tessi!steve
#T +1 800 642 9281, +1 503 643 9281
#P Colorado Springs, CO
#L 38 55 N / 104 50 W city
#W tessi!steve (Steve Willoughby); Sat Feb 8 11:42:56 PST 1992
dora tessi(DAILY)
#N dse
#S DEC Microvax II; Ultrix 2.2
#O Ampex Corporation, Design Support Engineering
#C Michael Willett
#E dse!news
#T +1 719 570-3561
#P 600 Wooten Road, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80915-3597 USA
#L 38 55 N / 104 50 W city
#R Usenet and mail gateway for all Ampex in Colorado
#U ascvax tst
#W dse!wizard (News administrator); Fri Oct 21 10:20:05 MDT 1988
dse ascvax(DEMAND), cos3b2(LOCAL), hp-lsd(DIRECT+HIGH),
hpldola(DIRECT+HIGH), tst(LOCAL)
#N ecn
#S PC 386/486
#O Entertainment & Consumers Network
#C Doug Harbor
#E ecn!root
#T +1 310 477 7575
#P 4811 Salem Village Drive Culver City, CO 90230
#L 34 01 N 118 23 W
#W postmaster@uunet.UU.NET (E. Allen); Thu Jan 14 15:35:12 EST 1993
ecn <uunet>(DEMAND)
#N ellery
#S DECstation 3100, Ultrix/RISC
#O Ellery Systems, Inc.
#C Jeff L. Stoner
#E ellery!postmaster
#T +1 303 443 8414
#P 4840 Pearl East Circle, Suite 301-W; Boulder, CO 80301
#L 40 02 N / 105 14 W
#R ellery.esi.com is Internet host
#W jls2@ellery.Esi.COM (Jeff L. Stoner); Mon Apr 5 15:26:18 MDT 1993
ellery .esi.com
ellery= esi.com, ellery.esi.com
ellery ames(DEDICATED), bearhug(DAILY), bearz(WEEKLY), scottie(WEEKLY),
#N embudo
#O Alpha Communications Development Corp
#C Cyro Lord
#E scicom!postmaster
#T 1-303-343-4114
#P 1017 Perth St., Aurora, CO. 80011
#L 39 44 45 N / 104 44 W city
#R embudo is up but not connect to net at this time.
#W scicom!cyrill; 05/21/93
#N empire, .empire.com
#S Interactive Unix System V/386 release 3.2
#O Empire Digital Instruments
#C John Conner
#E postmaster@empire.com
#T +1 719 597 5407
#P 3631 Brentwood Terrace, Colorado Springs, CO, 80910, USA
#L 39 1 30 N / 104 45 W
#U hp-col winfree
#W root at empire; Tue Dec 8 11:35:40 MST 1992
empire .empire.com
empire = empire.empire.com
empire hp-col(DIRECT), winfree(DIRECT)
#N ensuzi
#S CompaqPC;MS-DOS
#O Periwinkle Paws
#C Dennis Tenney
#E ensuzi!postmaster
#T +1 303 665 2561
#P 556 Grant Ave., Louisville, CO 80027 USA
#L 39 58 30 N / 105 08 W
#W ensuzi!dennis (Dennis Tenney); Mon Jan 7 20:40:00 MST 1991
ensuzi raven(DEMAND)
#N euphonics.com,euphonics
#S Sun 4; SunOS 4.1.1
#O EuPhonics
#C Jeffrey Barish
#E euphonics!jb
#T +1 303 938 8448
#P 61 Pine Tree Ln, Boulder, CO 80304
#L 40 02 50 N / 105 18 50 W
#W Jeffrey Barish <jb@euphonics.com>; Wed, 26 May 1993 08:47:35 -0600
# Also
euphonics euphonics.com
euphonics = euphonics.com
euphonics csn(DIRECT), amaze(DAILY)
#N exabyte
#O Exabyte Corporation
#C Henry L. Brown
#E exabyte!henry
#T +1 303 447 7631
#P 1745 38th Street, Boulder, CO 80301
#L 40 00 N / 105 16 W [city]
#W jeannie@uunet.UU.NET (Jeannie Hill); Sun May 12 09:48:58 MDT 1991
exabyte uunet(DEMAND)
#N fesk
#S NS ICM-3216; SysVr2 UNIX
#O Solar Energy Research Institute
#C Sverre Froyen
#E fesk!postmaster
#T +1 303 231 1782
#P 1617 Cole Boulevard MS 16/3, Golden, CO 80401
#L 39 46 40 N / 105 09 05 W
#U boulder, hoover, seri
#W fesk!sverre (Sverre Froyen); Wed Mar 1 08:14:20 MST 1989
fesk boulder(DIRECT+HIGH),
hoover(DIRECT), seri(DEDICATED)
#N fhs, fhsps2, fh386, fh6000
#S IBM PC/RT Model 115 - AIX version 2.2.1
#O Foothills Software, Inc.
#C Richard A. Bilancia
#E bilanc!rab
#T (303) 933-1790 voice
#T (303) 933-1950 data
#P 5125 S. Kipling - Suite 202, Littleton, CO 80127
#L 39 40 N / 105 18 W
#R Richard A. Bilancia 8/15/90
#W bilanc!rab (Richard A. Bilancia); Fri Nov 30 06:44:33 MST 1990
fhs bilanc(DEMAND+HIGH), fh6000(DIRECT), cfpdrt(DEMAND+LOW),
bdaemon(DEMAND+LOW), kbeat(WEEKLY), fhps2(DIRECT),
ringer(DEMAND+LOW), rmes(DEMAND+LOW), sumpre(DEMAND),
by135(DEMAND+LOW), by115(DEMAND+LOW), jordahl(DEMAND+LOW),
dori(DEMAND+LOW), peoples(DEMAND+LOW), supreme(DEMAND+LOW)
fhps2 fh6000(DIRECT), fhs(DIRECT)
fh386 fh6000(DIRECT)
fh6000 fhs(DIRECT), fhps2(DIRECT), fh386(DIRECT)
#N fpi
#S SUN SPARCstation 1+
#O Micro Planning International
#C Kon Richard Lovett
#E fpi!klovett
#T +1 303 757 2216
#P 3801 East Florida Ave. Suite 605 Denver, CO 80210
#L 39 44 N / 104 59 W city
#W dougm@ico.isc.com; Mon Feb 18 09:36:58 MST 1991
fpi csn(DEMAND)
#N freedom, freedom.alphai.org
#O Alpha Institute
#C Andrea Lord
#E freedom!postmaster
#T 1-303-343-4114
#P 1017 Perth St., Aurora, CO. 80011
#L 39 44 45 N / 104 44 W city
#U scicom
#W scicom!andrea; 05/21/93
freedom scicom(DAILY)
#N frisbee
#S SUN 3/160; SunOs Release 4.0.3
#O Maximum Storage, Inc.
#C Matt Taylor
#E frisbee!matt
#T +1 719 531 6888
#P 5025 Centennial Blvd., Colorado Springs, Colorado 80919 USA
#L 38 50 N / 104 50 W city
#R 5.25" WORM subsystem manufacturer.
#U hp-lsd
#W frisbee!matt (Matt Taylor); Thu Nov 1 10:58:01 MDT 1990
frisbee hp-lsd(DIRECT)
#N fteam
#S Amiga 3000 ; AXsh 1.3
#O fteam public remote access systems
#C Osku Sneits
#E fteam!root
#T +358 0 802 6747
#P 1522 S. Race Street, Denver, CO 80208
#R UUCP host is cs.du.edu
#W fteam!root ; Fri May 7 07:11:10 EET DST 1993
fteam cs.du.edu
fteam cs.du.edu(DAILY)
#N gaia
#S Sun 3/60, SunOS 4.1.1
#O Gaia Corporation
#C Jonathan Corbet
#E gaia!corbet
#T +1 303 443 7031
#P 2505 23rd St., Boulder, CO 80302
#L 40 04 N / 105 17 W
#W gaia!jon (Jonathan Corbet); Thu Jan 30 07:40:54 MST 1992
gaia ncar(DIRECT)
#N gcs
#S Intel SYP-302, SCO Unix 3.2.4
#O General Computer Services, Inc.
#C Mark Bolzern
#E gcs!mark
#T 1+ 303 690 2806
#P 3197 South Mobile Way, Aurora, CO 80013-2007
#L 39 39 10 N / 104 47 30 W
#U csn.org
#W gcs!mark (Mark Bolzern); Sun Dec 6 09:47:24 MDT 1992
gcs csn(DIRECT/4)
#N gerbil
#S AT&T 7300, SYSVR2/3.5 2MB, 67MB disk
#O Private
#C Mark J. Childs
#E scgvaxd!gerbil!mjc
#T +1 303 777 1489
#P 227 Sherman Street, Denver CO 80203
#L 105 01 W / 39 43 N city
#R selected news groups exchanged with scgvaxd
#R latitude/longitude above is from site map entry
#U scgvaxd
#W scgvaxd!mkp (Michael K. Peterson); Thu Aug 20 16:06:24 PDT 1987
gerbil hacgate(DAILY)
#N goldmill
#S IBM PC 386 (MicroCHannel); MS-DOS 5.0
#O The GoldMill BBS
#C David Hughes
#E goldmill!david.hughes goldmill!postmaster
#T +1 719 632 4848
#P Old Colorado City Communications, 6 N. 24th, Colorado Springs, CO 80904
#L 38 55 N / 104 50 W
#U csn.org
#R Fido 1:128/67
#W stjhmc!ddodell (David Dodell); Feb 12 22:45:00 MST 1992
# Approved by ddodell@stjhmc.fidonet.org
# Administrator, fidonet.org
goldmill= goldmill.fidonet.org, f27.n128.z1.fidonet.org
goldmill oldcolo(DAILY), csn.org(DAILY), bigsky(DAILY), spacenet(DEMAND)
#N .gore.com, gore
#F csn.org
#O Gore Enterprises
#C Jacob Gore
#E jacob@gore.com
#T 303-696-7893
#P 3044 S. Akron St., Denver, CO 80231-4605, USA
#L 39 43 N / 105 01 W city
#U nugget.rmnug.org
#W jacob@gore.com (Jacob Gore); Sat May 22 13:12:50 MDT 1993
gore .gore.com
gore gore.com
gore= gore.com
gore csn.org(DAILY),nugget(DAILY)
#N grianach
#S Gateway2000 386/25; ISC UNIX 2.2
#C Doug McCallum
#E dougm@west.sun.com
#T 303 449-2870
#P 197 South Buchanan Ave, Louisville, CO 80027
#L 40 01 N / 105 17 W city
#W dougm@west.sun.com; Sat Mar 28 15:41:57 MST 1992
grianach csn(DEMAND)
#N gwl
#S Sun Sparcstation 1; SunOS 4.1.2
#O The Great-West Life Assurance Company
#C Dave Conder
#E postmaster@gwl.com
#T +1 303 689 4179, +1 303 689 3001
#P 8515 E Orchard Rd, Englewood CO 80111
#L 39 44 N / 104 59 W city
#U uupsi3
#W Craig Mason <cmas@gwl.com> ; Tue, 5 May 1992 10:11:22-0600
gwl .gwl.com
gwl = gwl.com
gwl uupsi2(HOURLY), uupsi3(DAILY/4),
#N .cs.colostate.edu,handel
#S HP 9000/835, HP-UX
#O Colorado State University, Computer Science Department
#C Wayne Trzyna
#E root@handel.cs.colostate.edu
#T 303/491-1057
#P CSU, Computer Science Dept, Ft. Collins, CO 80523
#L 40 35 N / 105 05 W city
#R UUCP/TCP link to ncar prompts this entry.
#R Several campus sites are on local area network,
#R others are polled at least once an hour.
#R Domain is cs.colostate.edu.
#W trzyna 9/2/91
handel ".cs.colostate.edu"(LOCAL)
handel ncar(LOCAL)
#N hp-col, .col.hp.com
#S Hewlett-Packard 9000/43S; HP-UX B.09.00 B
#O Hewlett-Packard Colorado Springs
#C Bdale Garbee
#E bdale@col.hp.com
#T +1 719 590 2868
#P 1900 Garden of the Gods Road, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907, USA
#L 38 55 N / 104 50 W city
#R UUCP and News Hub for HP in Southern Colorado
#U sdd.hp.com hpcc05 winfree monarch gmi hpscdc empire
#U news.dtc.hp.com hpfcnfs.sde.hp.com fc.hp.com hplsla hpnmdla
#W root at hp-col.col.hp.com; Fri Jan 15 01:11:36 MST 1993
hp-col .col.hp.com
hp-col = hp-col.col.hp.com
hp-col ci(DIRECT+HIGH), empire(DIRECT), gmi(DIRECT+HIGH),
hplsdha(DIRECT+LOW), kd4nc(DEMAND+HIGH), ldhmi(DEMAND+HIGH),
minuet(DIRECT+HIGH), mlics(WEEKLY), monarch(DIRECT+HIGH),
pdspp(DIRECT+HIGH), pollux(DIRECT), simtek(DIRECT+HIGH),
sycraft(DIRECT+HIGH), winfree(DIRECT+LOW), wizzy(DIRECT),
#N hpfcde
#O Hewlett Packard
#C Scott Warren
#E hpfcla!sjw
#T (303) 229-4123
#P 3404 E. Harmony Rd., Ft. Collins, CO 80525
#L 40 35 N / 105 05 W city
#R from news map
#W mccallum@nbires.UUCP 12/12/84
#U hpfcla
hpfcde hpfcdc(DEMAND), hpfclj(DEMAND), hpfcla(DEMAND)
#N hpfcla
#S Hewlett-Packard 9000/380; HP-UX B.09.00
#O Hewlett-Packard, Fort Collins Site (FCS)
#C Jim Norman
#E hpfcla!jimn
#T +1 303 229 3098
#P 3404 East Harmony Road, Fort Collins, Colorado 80525
#L 40 31 31 N / 105 00 43 W
#R HP Fort Collins Site Hub Machine.
#W hpfcla!root (Jim Norman); Fri May 21 13:20:51 MDT 1993
hpfcla bhbr01(DEMAND-10), dsndata(HOURLY-10), eye(DEMAND-10),
iem(DEMAND-10), milano(DEMAND-10+HIGH), storm(DIRECT-10),
suneast(DAILY), vdsmvs1(DEMAND-50), wrtfac(DEMAND-50)
#N hpldola
#S Hewlett-Packard 9000/370; HP-UX 7.05 B
#O Hewlett-Packard Electronic Design Operation
#C Bob Winans
#E hpldola!postmaster
#T +1 303 590 5052
#P P.O. Box 617, Colorado Springs CO 80901-0617, USA
#L 38 55 N / 104 50 W city
#W winans@hpldola (Bob Winans); Thu Nov 28 01:50:01 MST 1991
hpldola cadreri(DEMAND-10), dse(DIRECT+HIGH)
#N hpuslua
#S Hewlett Packard 9000/800 Series; HP/UX 7.0
#O Hewlett Packard Salt Lake City
#C Nolan Hayward/John D. Hays
#E postmaster@hpuslua.nsr.hp.com
#T +1 801 974 1700
#P 3530 W 2100 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84065
#L 40 41 00 N / 111 52 00 W city
#R This is the merged site for apcislc and hpuslua
#W hpuslua!hays (John D. Hays); Sun Jun 16 09:40:52 MDT 1991
hpuslua = hpuslua.nsr.hp.com
hpuslua caeco(HOURLY), ender(WEEKLY), aquila(DAILY)
#N .isc.com, ico
#O Interactive Systems Corporation
#C Brad Keiser
#E keiser@isc.com
#T 303 449-2870, ext 103
#P 4900 Pearl East Circle, Boulder, CO 80301
#L 40 01 N / 105 17 W city
#U mnemosyne spatial jbsys ncar
#R registered
#W keiser@ISC.COM; Tue, 22 Dec 92 09:45:55 -0700
ico .isc.com
ico isc.com
ico = ico.isc.com
# Internal Sites
ico laidbak(DEDICATED), itx(DEDICATED), ica(DEDICATED),
i88.isc.com(DEDICATED), ima(DEDICATED)
# Local Connections
ico ncar(DEMAND),
boulder(DEMAND), cognito(POLLED), jbsys(DEMAND), mnemosyne(DEMAND),
cadnetix(POLLED), raven(DAILY/4), stan(DEMAND), stcvax(DEMAND),
auto-trol(DEMAND), spatial(DEMAND), innsoft(POLLED),
# Long Distance Connections
ico interlan(EVENING), sys1(WEEKLY), cs.utexas.edu(DEMAND), hutch(DAILY),
sun(DAILY), kodak(HOURLY*2)
#N idic, f424.n104.z1.fidonet.org
#S DTK 386; MS-DOS 5.00
#O IDIC Fan Group
#C Jason Steck
#E idic!postmaster
#T +1 303 752 9060
#P 14249 E Kansas Pl #203 Aurora, CO 80012
#L 39 46 N / 105 2 W
#U scicom
#W stjhmc!ddodell; Sun Mar 8 09:15:00 MST 1992
# Approved by ddodell@stjhmc.fidonet.org
# Administrator, fidonet.org
idic= idic.fidonet.org, f424.n104.z1.fidonet.org
idic scicom(DIRECT)
#N ie
#S Sun SparcStation; SunOS 4.1.1
#O Intelligent Electronics
#C Mark Troyer
#E ie!mtroyer
#T +1 303 779 2770
#P 5340 South Quebec, Suite 300, Englewood, CO 80111
#L 39 37 N / 104 57 W city
#W lorelei@uunet.UU.NET (Lorelei Horner); Mon May 13 18:09:27 EDT 1991
ie uunet(DEMAND)
#N iem,iem.com
#S HP 9000/370; HP-UX 8.x
#O International Electronic Machinery, Inc.
#C UNIX System Administrator
#E iem!postmaster
#T +1 303 223 3005
#P P.O. Box 8915, Ft. Collins, CO 80525
#L 40 31 N / 105 04 W
#W iem!chuck (Charles Douglas Phillips); Fri May 21 13:43:53 MDT 1993
iem hpfcla(HOURLY), iemuk(DAILY)
#N ifdc
#S ATT 3B2; Sys V Rel 3.2.2
#O Information Foundation
#C Brian R. Johnson
#E ifdc!ifadmin@uunet.uu.net
#T +1 703 285 6462
#P 1200 17th St., Suite 1950, Denver, Co 80202
#L 38 52 00 N / 77 12 00 W
#R The Unix Systems Experts; The New DC Office.
#U uunet
#W ifdc!brj@uunet.uu.net (Brian R. Johnson); Tue Dec 15 09:05:28 EST 1992
ifdc ifdc.com
ifdc uunet(DAILY/2)
#N illini
#S Hewlett-Packard Vectra AT; MS-DOS 4.01
#O Cedar Point Research
#C Steven R. Williams
#E illini!postmaster
#T +1 719 594 4091
#P 6106 Little Pine Circle, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
#L 38 50 N / 104 49 W city
#W illini!srw (Steven R. Williams); Fri Jan 04 19:30:38 MST 1991
illini hp-lsd(DAILY)
#N inmos-c
#S Sun 3/160; SunOS 4.0
#O Inmos Division, SGS-Thompson Microelectronics
#C Tony Schneider
#E inmos-c!postmaster
#T +1 719 630 4226
#P 2225 Executive Circle, Colorado Springs, CO 80906-4137
#L 38 50 N / 104 49 W city
#W tonys@inmos.com (Tony Schneider); Fri Jul 19 15:05:31 MDT 1991
inmos-c uunet(DEMAND), hp-col(HOURLY), <inmos>(DEDICATED)
#N innsoft, .innovative.com
#O Innovative Software
#C Jay Whitney
#E postmaster@innovative.com
#T +1 303 933 3654
#P P.O. Box 13170, Denver, CO 80201-4500
#L 39 27 21 N / 105 05 16 W
#U ico
#W jw@innovative.com (Jay Whitney); Mon May 24 18:02:28 MDT 1993
innsoft .innovative.com
innsoft= innovative.com
innsoft ico(DEMAND), yang(WEEKLY*4)
#N .jbsys.com, iscden, hipeak, jbsys
#S 386 UNIX (SCO 3.2)
#O J B Systems - UNIX Development System
#C James C. Bevier
#E postmaster@iscden.jbsys.com, jbev@iscden.jbsys.com
#T +1 303 697 1038
#P 10136 Horizon View Drive, Morrison CO 80465
#L 39 32 N / 105 14 W
#W jbev@jbsys.com (Jim Bevier); Mon Nov 16 21:46:12 MST 1992
#U ico.isc.com
hipeak .jbsys.com
hipeak jbsys.com
# External Aliases
hipeak = hipeak.jbsys.com, jbsys
iscden = "hipeak"
jbsys = "hipeak"
hipeak ico(DIRECT+HIGH), unidot(DIRECT+HIGH),
#N .jones.com, jcc-one
#F uunet.uu.net
#S Sun SPARC II, SunOS 4.1.3
#O Jones & Jones
#C Dr. Daniel L. Jones
#E jcc-one!postmaster
#T +1 303 522 0652
#P 510 Glenora Street, Sterling, CO 80751
#L 40 37 N / 103 13 W city
#R Registered; All users reachable by jcc-one!user or user@jones.com
#W djones@jones.com (Daniel L. Jones); Thu Jun 3 05:22:46 MDT 1993
#U uunet
jcc-one .jones.com
jcc-one jones.com
jcc-one = jcc-one.jones.com
# External Connections
jcc-one esquire(WEEKLY+LOW+LOW), seicus(DAILY), uunet(DEMAND)
#N jde
#S Sun Sparc 2; SunOS
#O J.D. Edwards
#C Bruce Eriksen
#E jde!root
#T +1 303 488 4474
#P 8055 East Tufts, Denver, CO 80237
#L 39 44 N / 104 59 W city
#W lori@uunet.UU.NET (Lori Lewis); Wed Aug 5 10:24:37 EDT 1992
jde uunet(DEMAND)
#N kbfcla
#S HP 9000/370; HP-UX 8.00
#O Calchemy
#C Ken Burgess
#E lunar!larry
#P Ft. Collins, CO
#W lunar!larry (Larry Fenske); Wed May 26 19:02:25 MDT 1993
kbfcla lunar(DAILY), csn.org(DAILY)
#N kbsw1, kentek.com
#S HP 9000/370; HP/UX
#O Kentek Information Systems
#C Bill Lewis
#E kbsw1!root
#T +1 303 440 5500
#P 2945 Wildreness Pl, Boulder, CO 80301
#L 40 00 N / 105 16 W city
#W root@kentek.com; Mon, 24 May 93 11:15:58 -0600
kbsw1 = kentek.com
kbsw1 kentek.com, .kentek.com
kbsw1 uunet(DEMAND)
#N kessner
#S DTK 386/25; ESIX 3.2.2d
#O Kessner, Inc
#C David Kessner
#E david@kessner.denver.co.us, postmaster@kessner.denver.co.us
#T +1 303 377 1801
#P 1135 Fairfax St, Denver, CO, 80220
#L 39 45 N / 105 00 W city
#W david@kessner.denver.co.us (David Kessner); Fri Jan 03 18:06:03 MST 1991
#U burner
kessner = kessner.denver.co.us
kessner csn(DIRECT), mnemosyne(DIRECT), burner(DIRECT), benefits(DIRECT)
#N koala
#O Sigma Design, Inc.
#C Dan Rosenblatt
#E dir@koala.UUCP
#T +1 303 790 9080
#P 61 Inverness Drive East, Suite 306, Englewood, CO. 80112
#W dir@koala.UUCP; Fri Jan 5 17:57:04 MST 1990
koala mecca(HOURLY)
#N lms
#S Sun Sparc
#O Laser Magnetic Storage
#C Julia Havrilla
#E lms!root
#T 1+ 719 593 4048
#P 4425 ArrowsWest Dr, Colorado Springs CO 80907
#L 38 50 N ? 104 49 W city
#W lorelei@uunet.UU.NET (Lorelei Horner) ; Tue, 5 Nov 91 14:01:55 MST
lms uunet(DEMAND)
#N lolita
#S SparcStation 1+
#O Northfield Trading L.P.
#C David Rivas
#E lolita!david
#T +1 303 985 3366
#P 3333 S. Wadsworth Blvd, Suite D-318, Lakewood, CO 80227
#L 39 44 N / 104 59 W city
#W lorelei@uunet.UU.NET (Lorelei Horner); Mon Nov 19 18:26:04 EST 1990
lolita uunet(DEMAND)
#N lunar
#S HP 9000/320; HP-UX 8.00
#O Larry Fenske (individual)
#C Larry Fenske
#E lunar!larry
#T +1 303 663 0478
#P 4008 Dogwood Court, Loveland, CO 80538
#L 40 25 N / 105 03 W
#W lunar!larry (Larry Fenske); Wed May 26 19:02:25 MDT 1993
lunar kbfcla(DAILY)
#N mace
#S IBM xt-compatable;MS-DOS 3.3
#O Metro Area Computer Enthusiast (fidonet BBS)
#C Ken Zen
#E postmaster@f416.n104.z1.fidonet.org
#T 303/798-3033
#P 2386 Crabtree Dr. Littleton Co 80121
#L 105 03 W / 39 37 N city
#R This a fidonet node 104/416
#mace= mace.fidonet.org, f416.n104.z1.fidonet.org
#N malamud
#F csn.org
#S PC; uulink
#O Carl Malamud
#C Carl Malamud
#E malamud!root
#T +1 303 440 7052
#P 3230 Folsom Street, Boulder, CO 80304
#L 40 00 30 N / 105 17 00 W city
#W trent@csn.org; Wed Aug 28 09:07:39 MDT 1991
malamud .malamud.com
malamud = malamud.com
malamud csn(DEMAND)
#N manhome, .gag.com
#S Hewlett-Packard 9000/370; HP-UX B.08.00 B
#O Garbee and Garbee, Computer / Graphics Consultants
#C Bdale Garbee
#E postmaster@gag.com
#T +1 719 590 2868
#P 4390 Darr Circle, Black Forest, CO, 80908, USA
#L 39 1 30 N / 104 45 W
#R News hub for the amateur radio Colorado Packet Association (COPA).
#U empire hp-col pitt
#W root@gag.com; Tue Sep 8 00:15:02 MDT 1992
manhome .gag.com
manhome = manhome.gag.com
manhome arpad(DEMAND+HIGH), hp-col(DIRECT), empire(DIRECT),
#N mecca
#S Pacific Micro PM68D; Unix SYSV version 5.2
#O Middel Earth Computer Communications Anomaly
#C Thom Skrtich or Jareth Hein
#E mecca!netnews mecca!postmaster
#T + 1 303 287 4462
#P Dupont, Colorado
#L 39 37 N / 105 01 W city
#R Mecca is a public access multi-line Unix system
#U koala clem
#W mecca!toor (Thom Skrtich); Fri Feb 5 20:21:54 MST 1988
mecca clem(EVENING), koala(DEMAND)
#N mhinfo
#S Acer 386; SCO Unix V.3.2
#O Mile-High Information Services, Inc.
#C Tony Carrato
#E mhinfo!postmaster
#T +1 303 721 0851
#P 9101 E. Kenyon Ave., Suite 3400, Denver, CO 80237
#L 39 45 N / 105 00 W city
#W dougm@ico.isc.com; Sun May 31 10:26:40 MDT 1992
mhinfo csn(DEMAND)
#N milehi
#O Private
#C Oscar Barlow
#E milehi!obarlow
#T +1 303 582 0511
#P Rt 6, 366 Timber Dr, Black Hawk, CO 80403-9804
#U scicom
#R Also known as Fidonet 1:104/56
#W 03/29/93 milehi!obarlow
milehi = milehi.alphacdc.com
milehi scicom(DAILY)
#N minuet
#S Clone 386DX; Coherent 4.0.1
#O Open Minds Computing Solutions
#C Michael Willett
#E mike@omc.com; mike@array.com
#T +1 719 528-5359
#P Michael Willett, 3835 Plains Terrace, Coloado Springs, CO 80920
#L 38 55 N / 104 50 W
#U monarch hp-col
#W mike@omc.com (Michael Willett) Tue Mar 09 15:42:13 MST 1993
minuet monarch(DAILY), hp-col(DIRECT)
minuet = omc.com
minuet = minuet.omc.com
#N monarch
#S Sun 4/75; Sun OS 4.1.1
#O Array Microsystems, Inc
#C Michael Willett
#E mike@array.com; monarch!mike
#T +1 719 540 7952
#P Array Microsystems, 1420 Quail Lake Loop, Colorado Springs, CO. 80906
#L 38 55 N / 104 50 W
#R Mail and Usenet gateway for array.com
#U hp-col minuet soul ceram wizzy pollux
#W mike@array.com (Michael Willett) Tue Mar 09 15:42:13 MST 1993
monarch = array.com
monarch hp-col(DIRECT+HIGH), minuet(DAILY), ceram(DIRECT), soul(DIRECT+HIGH),
homer(DIRECT), csn(DAILY), pollux(DIRECT), wizzy(DAILY)